πŸ”’The Metrics of Influencer Filters

Growing3 established several advanced criteria that allow for targeted filtering of influencers beyond just keyword searches.


Filter based on the scale of an influencer's follower count:

  • Nano Influencer: under 10K followers

  • Micro Influencer: 10K to 100K followers

  • Macro Influencer: 100K to 500K followers

  • Mega Influencer: 500K to 1M followers

  • Celebrity: Over 1M followers

While follower count is one measure of an influencer's reach, it's not the only one. A more insightful approach involves analyzing engagement metrics for your Web3 influencers:

2. Engagement-Through-Rate (ETR)

This metric considers the sum of retweets, replies, and likes in relation to the influencer's total number of followers. A higher ETR suggests that the influencer has an active and engaged audience, ideal for your Web3 KOLs collaboration.

3. View-Through Rate (VTR)

To understand the impact of an influencer's content, look at their "View-Through Rate." This metric considers the average impressions of their tweets relative to their total number of followers. A high VTR suggests that their content resonates with their audience, reaching and influencing a significant portion of their followers.

4. Original Tweets Ratio

Original content, as opposed to retweets, showcases an influencer's ability to create unique and valuable content. A high original tweets ratio indicates an influencer who contributes meaningfully to the conversation in Web3 marketing.

5. Campaign Term Ratio

Consider the influencer's use of campaign-related keywords (e.g., airdrops, giveaways) in their content. This ratio helps you identify how frequent the KOLs launch campaigns, and it’s up to you to decide whether this is a positive signal or not.

Last updated